Wednesday 18 January 2012

The Baker's Franchise

After the WarDevil project been cancelled I came back from London to live in Hungary again. Working as an individual artist did not satisfied me, so after finishing a school to be a licensed electrician (such a change, one might think) I signed up as a chief designer at Fornetti, to step in the advertising business again. Most of my daytime work was creating campaigns, ads, package- and shop designs for Eastern European countries, and after the working hours my mind was non-stop treading with ideas on marketing the zillion type of different frozen pastries the company keeps, changes and evolves in it's portfolio.

It was a 0-24 job, and the new skills I learned in managing my work - and dozens of others' involved in the creation of adverts - was really worth it. In the very middle of customers' financial crisis, in a tough rivalry of well-funded competition, in spite of rising taxes and ingredient prices, Fornetti made a 20% more profit than last year, while acquisited hundreds of shops too. Thanks to some clever managing decisions, and a lot of creative work.